Welcome to KlearStack's API Documentation
KlearStack is a leading Document Intelligence SaaS platform. It leverages Artificial Intelligence to interpret, capture, validate, transform, and reconcile data from unstructured documents. This docum
In this documentation you can find the following,
Supported API methods
Request types and URLs
Input parameters for each method
Responses for each method
API Endpoints Security: All API endpoints are protected and require an access token for access. To obtain an access token, perform a POST request to get_access_token, which returns an access_token and a refresh_token. The access token is valid for a short duration (15 minutes) and expires after this period. The refresh token, however, is valid for at least a day. To obtain a new access token, perform a POST request to getaccesstokenfromrefreshtoken, which will return a new access token with a reset expiration time.
POST Request Parameters: All API POST request parameters should be sent as "Form Data".
Request Through Postman: To access a secured endpoint through Postman, copy and paste the access token into the Authorization tab of the request as a Bearer Token.
Request in Python: Below is an example request format in Python:
token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYW"
token = "Bearer " + str(token) # mind the space
headers = {"Authorization": token}
requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
Please note that the SSL verification must be turned off. For example,
In Python, disable SSL verification by passing the verify=False parameter.
In Postman, turn off SSL Certificate Verification.
Last updated