👋Welcome to KlearStack's API Documentation

KlearStack is a leading Document Intelligence SaaS platform. It leverages Artificial Intelligence to interpret, capture, validate, transform, and reconcile data from unstructured documents. This docum

In this documentation you can find the following,

  • Authentication

  • Supported API methods

  • Request types and URLs

  • Input parameters for each method

  • Responses for each method

API Endpoints Security: All API endpoints are protected and require an access token for access. To obtain an access token, perform a POST request to get_access_token, which returns an access_token and a refresh_token. The access token is valid for a short duration (15 minutes) and expires after this period. The refresh token, however, is valid for at least a day. To obtain a new access token, perform a POST request to getaccesstokenfromrefreshtoken, which will return a new access token with a reset expiration time.

POST Request Parameters: All API POST request parameters should be sent as "Form Data".

Request Through Postman: To access a secured endpoint through Postman, copy and paste the access token into the Authorization tab of the request as a Bearer Token.

Request in Python: Below is an example request format in Python: token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYW"

token = "Bearer " + str(token) # mind the space

headers = {"Authorization": token}

requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)

Please note that the SSL verification must be turned off. For example,

  • In Python, disable SSL verification by passing the verify=False parameter.

  • In Postman, turn off SSL Certificate Verification.

Last updated